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  • 🏅The Cold War over NIL Data

🏅The Cold War over NIL Data

Should the public know?

Hey there,

Today we’re talking about the fight for, and against, NIL data to be public. The story stretches way back — we’re talking pre-NIL Wire — and the clandestine battle has been raging underneath the surface ever since. That’s why it’s a Cold War — no one’s really talking about it, but everyone knows it’s going on. Today, we decided to take you under the hood.

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— Cole, Justin and Collin

A while ago in our NIL Wire news update, we told y’all briefly about how the University of Houston denied a Houston Chronicle reporter access to their NIL records from the last three years. Their denial came as a bit of a shock to him, as Texas A&M had fulfilled his request not too long ago.

His reasoning was pretty clear: If a state school is receiving public funding, why aren’t they subject to accountability on that funding? The University of Houston is a taxpayer funded school, but even with massive amounts of money being exchanged with NIL, it’s all… secret.

Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time this problem’s come up. In fact, lurking right beneath the surface of our NIL updates, there’s actually been a clandestine war going on about NIL contract transparency. The Houston Chronicle situation is just the tip of the iceberg. 

In order to see the whole iceberg, we need to go west – to Utah, where the Cold War over NIL transparency started.

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